Because Who Doesn’t Want More Anchor Charts??

I have never heard a “No” to that question before… đŸ™‚

As I sit here, avoiding the end of my basic training for TELPAS, I remembered that I (yet again) made more anchor charts for my classroom. Here are more to add to yesterday’s collection. You might notice that yesterday’s “Thesis Statement” anchor chart is different from today’s. In the beginning of learning thesis, I like for students to add on their reasons. They seem to begin understanding easier this way. I guess it’s just making them connect the dots? Now that they have mastered the initial step, they should be able to create a thesis statement with purpose (without connecting their reasoning in the same sentence).

Also, I was asked to add in some more zoomed in photos of yesterdays anchor chart examples. Anything to keep me from TELPAS training.




Anchor Charts

Excuse my absence and lack of motivation this last week. The dirty little children gave me some fun sickness that made my only goal last week getting hot tea and a daily nap in. Grading definitely didn’t happen either. None the less, I realized this last week that we were only about a month and a half away from the EOC assessment.

It’s the most miserable, stressful, hectic time of the year. One of the things I am so beyond thankful for during all of the madness is anchor charts. I am always surprised when people ask me how to use them… Here’s the basic scenario.

  1. Teacher discusses items on the anchor chart. This is usually something they already know but many times forget the formal use of.
  2. Student forgets within 2 minutes and asks teacher.
  3. Teacher gets slightly annoyed because she just spent a good bit of time discussing exactly what student just asked about.
  4. Teacher takes deep breath and points to the anchor chart.
  5. Student feels silly and now knows to just look around the room.

The goal is to avoid my face from being permanently frozen like this…


There are other ways to do anchor charts as well. Honestly, the original idea is to have them do the anchor charts and post them all over the wall. I have done this before also. Except in those situations, many students can’t read their own handwriting. So after it is all done, I will re-write what the kids wrote. Teachers are practically like navaho de-coders when it comes to students handwriting. It’s one of my many talents (among dancing and multiple accents…. always make those happen in class too. Gotta keep the crowds entertained).

Best of all, they’re so cheap to make. Markers + Giant Post-Its = Anchor Chart. Done.

It’s really one of the easiest ways to answer questions ever. I made a ton this past week, that way, once we get back from Spring Break, all of the essential items are around the room! I highly encourage you to use them or to make some of your own. So essential and easy!!

I’ll definitely add more to this post as the STAAR/EOC preparation goes on. Check back later or comment below if there is any unit in particular that might need an anchor chart. Lord knows I have probably made one for it!










Poetry Mash – Up

One of our best qualities as teachers is our sneaky ability to beg, borrow and steal others work and take all the credit for coming up with something phenomenal. I won’t lie to you… This is definitely stolen from my brilliant Department Chair. After going over TP-CASTT and SIFT for better understanding of poems and their themes, we did the Poetry Mash Up!

In my experience, students hear the word, “poetry,” and automatically assume that I am going to have them analyze incoherent phrases and jumbled words they’ve never heard before. I’m trying to teach them, not torture them. Although they think that’s what I’m out do to. I just agree with them. I like that they think I’m evil. Muahahahahahaaaaa. (I have no idea how spell out an evil laugh. Use your imagination.) This assignment actually got them excited.

Let’s face it, if you can get them excited about learning. You may have magical powers, or you’re just a great actor when introducing something “fun.”

I made this Prezi that you are more than welcome to use. It has all of the basic directions.


Basically, they need to use 5 songs total. Students will cut and rearrange the lines and phrases from the poem to create a poem with a completely new meaning. I have a few requirements, but you can change those according to your class expectations. The only extra supplies we needed was a folder and some art supplies (markers and glue). You can use my PoetryMashUp handout to the students if you would like! I also had them identify the theme of each song they used in the project.

They had a great time picking their own songs. I said if they had a couple cuss words, that they simply could just sharpie them out. Anymore than 2, then they were pushing it. But of course, I had some that gave me printed lyrics from these songs. If you don’t know them, look them up. I laughed out loud and used them as paper basketballs in my own trashcan hoops contest.

  1. Bump and Grind by R. Kelly
  2. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
  3. I’m Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO
  4. Grind On Me by Pretty Ricky
  5. Thank You by Lil Wayne
  6. Lollipop by Lil Wayne

The list goes on. I can’t remember all of them. Those were the ones that stuck out. Needless to say, I needed to do something about it.  I made several copies of these song lyrics (Poetry-MashUpLyrics) and they turned these into amazing poems. The only one I had to edit was The Monster by Eminem. It’s a great song for poetry, but you can understand why I could only print the first 2 verses. Anyways, I was so impressed impressed with the results! Enjoy!

You know you want to listen to the songs now. Do it.

(My brain won’t stop replaying the Buffalo Soldier chorus. Love it.)